Lead Free Mississippi is a coalition of individuals and local and state organizations committed to ending the threat of lead poisoning for Mississippi's children. Our goal is to reduce childhood lead exposures and the associated health impacts by advancing adoption of federal and state recommendations for lead screening, testing, and hazard control throughout the state. We engage our partners in efforts to raise awareness of lead hazards in our environments, increase blood lead testing for children at risk of exposure, and increase capacity to implement effective strategies for lead hazard control.
This website is a resource hub for Mississippi residents, agencies and other stakeholders to access information about lead poisoning prevention, including materials to increase public awareness of lead hazard control practices. We welcome anyone interested to join this community by signing the pledge to Screen Birth to 6 and receive updates related to the coalition's work.
Lead poisoning can create a lifetime of poor outcomes for kids, but it is 100% preventable
Lead poisoning can cause irreversible brain and nervous system damage, delayed growth and development, violent and aggressive behavior, and learning and behavioral problems. Children under the age of 6 and pregnant women are at the highest risk of experiencing the impacts of lead exposure, and it only takes the equivalent of 3 granules of sugar to poison a child.
Lead poisoning affects an estimated 535,000 children younger than 6 annually in the United States, but in Mississippi many cases may be undiagnosed. In 2016 the statewide lead screening rate was only 17.9 percent of children under age 6, meaning many families are living in environments without awareness of the potential health risk of lead for their kids.
To support the work of Lead Free Mississippi please access our free education resources and join our Screen Birth to 6 Campaign.